We have not been doing right by our troops. That isn't news, but I'd like to take some time to highlight some reasons why. It is shameful and we need to be addressing it as a nation. The GOP wants to sweep this all under the rug, but what we do for our soldiers in preparing them for war and for honoring their service and sacrifice when they get home is just as important as how we treat them in theater. Not that we've done too great of a job there either.
The VA is stopping Democrats from registering people to vote on VA property. Strangely, this has never happened to a Republican. Go figure. The Bush Admin goons are even into subverting democracy at this stage.
"If what I've done for this country isn't enough for me to be a citizen, then I don't know what is."- Sergeant Abdool Habibullah, USMC (ret.), trying to become an American
Meanwhile, those who fought for our flag in the hopes that they could become citizens are finding their way blocked. This is just about as un-American as you can get and dishonors their service.
For foreign and US soldiers alike, many experience woefully pathetic facilities, as recorded by one soldier's father.
In Iraq, the costs of letting Bush and Cheney's pals at Halliburton farm out work is showing it as a policy failure. Big surprise. Subpar electrical work has led to the electrocution of 13 soldiers and an unreliable grid. KBR, the Halliburton subsidiary responsible for this, also relishes the fact that it provides our troops contaminated water. Yes, you too can be a grunt and make 1/5th less than a low level BlackWater merc and get running skin sores from taking a shower in filth. And all for probably three times the cost of just having the Army handle the facilities.
But don't judge blame Bush and his criminal friends. Apparently upwards of fifteen percent of our female veterans have experienced some form of sexual trauma. This is unacceptable, and not even remotely addressed by the higher ups.
And with all this going on, the Pentagon is more worried about shutting down military bloggers than fixing what is wrong with the force.
It isn't all bad news. Disney has a special resort for military members and their families to go to and attempt to heal. It is for our troops to reward their families for the hard work they do, as well as hopefully a reprieve for the soldiers as well.
Also, Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway, is making major advances in the area of artificial arms. Check out the video on that link. It is impressive work and I hope it gets to the folks who need it as soon as possible.