
Our local ultra-conservative rag occasionally prints a story based in reality. Recently they tackled the popular Republican fear meme that illegal aliens are stealing free health care and actually reported the truth on the matter. Hint: it is nowhere near what you would think - or are being told by the GOP. Want a glimpse of how loathsome our local Rethugs are? Read the comments.

Old but still useful CNN commentary on mandatory flag pin wearing and other false signs of patriotism and this one on racism in this year's campaign.

Michael Bloomberg, to his credit, is working with Jewish-Americans to stop the rumor that Obama is a closet Muslim.

Then again, some folks (at least 1% of them) think Obama is Jewish, among other things. Read it, you'll weep for how frigging stupid our fellow citizens are.

To wrap up, Slate offers up suggestions on some helpful rumors the Obama camp can start spreading.

My on-call ends soon. Yay!