In case you were wondering about the Latino vote and those folks who were fooled by Bush, fear not.
According to this story they are solidly returning to the Democratic Party and to Barack Obama. McCain sold out to the racists and zealots in his party, and that tale needs constant telling as this election year continues.
Speaking of tales that need told, McCain had an abysmal week, not that his pals in the media reported it. Read the linked story and tell me I'm wrong.
Liberals get a bad rap for being too cute by half. Sometimes that label sticks. I'm not even deigning to display the image, but the New Yorker magazine did a hit job on its cover this week, pushing ALL the Rethug arguments and then escalating them.
Yeah, it is supposed to be a joke. I get that. What I DON'T get is why they should be helping out filthbags like Limbaugh, Coulter, et al in their racist bullshit.
That said, disgusting cover aside, there actually is a decent article tucked in the magazine about Obama's years in Chicago.
Well, I'm stuck awake on my final night of this particularly grueling on-call. Might as well get back to it.