
There's an article over at HuffPo about all kinds of stories the media "forgot" to report while it was too busy covering up McCain's mistakes and spreading his lies. Let's hit some of the high points.

Chief Idiot John Ashcroft spent time swearing that waterboarding isn't torture. That said, Ashcroft, Cheney, Bolton, Rumsfeld and the rest of the chickenhawk gang know as much about torture as they do about wearing a military uniform. Which is that they love the concept, but are too squeamish or privileged to actually have anything to do with either. They just write orders with no knowledge and let others do the hard work.

Christopher Hitchens, who usually comes off as a smug intellectual, at least did the hard work on the torture front. He may hate God, but he definitely now hates waterboarding more as he actually had the balls to undergo the experience. Read his account and share it with the neocons in your life.

In the main article, more on how the Bush Administration blocked CO2 cuts, even though green jobs are outpacing coal industry jobs, and proof that closing coal plants improve the brain development of children living near them. These goons are on the wrong side of science, history, children, and probably every other good thing on earth.

They are definitely against women. Bushites are trying to label ANY contraceptive as a type of abortion so they can better make the pill illegal. I imagine condoms are on the list too.

Look, believe whatever Hate Jesus bullshit you want to believe. But quit trying to become the Taliban.

People, run these bastards out of our school boards, city councils, local, state, and federal government before we start blowing up Mount Rushmore as idolatry and force our children into polygamist marriages at the age of 10. Get these lying, evil, torturing hillbillies away from the leadership of America.