When he isn't running around praising the bullshit selection of Sarah Palin as America's Top Hockey Mom - oh wait, she might be PRESIDENT you idiots! - Bill Clinton is mouthing words that, if you could believe him, would lead you to think he wants Barack Obama to win the election.
Maureen Dowd rightly points out that Bill needs to do a better job, going as far to say:
On "The View," he said he understood that some women might vote for Palin on the basis of gender, even if it was against their economic interest."You can't tell someone else that the ground on which they make their voting decision is irrational," he said primly.
Well, actually you could, if you weren't still sulking and plotting for 2012.
Chris Rock was a tad more blunt. Following Clinton on Letterman the other night, he called out Clinton, even to the point of saying - and this is true if you've watched either Clinton at all - that Bill can't even say Barack's name. Take a look:
He also did a fine job on Larry King, but I don't see any video for that yet. If I do, I'll link it.
One last shot at Bill. At least for today.
Given that we would never have had the odious George W. Bush in the White House in the first place if it wasn't for your blow jobs, Bill, it seems obvious that you owe it to the people of this country, and especially to the parents whose kids died in the Iraq War that Gore would never have started, and to all the parents whose kids would be killed in the WarFest that would be a McCain/Palin -- sorry, Palin/McCain -- administration to do everything in your power to get Barack Obama elected.
And that is how Paul Slansky starts his attack on the pathetic behavior of Bill Clinton.