Here are some frivolous and somewhat serious things you could do with $700 billion.
From a Reddit link, here's an oldie but goodie on when Bush vetoed a plan to extend SCHIP health insurance coverage for children. He said we didn't have enough money.
The cost? $35 billion.
We didn't have money to provide health insurance for kids, but we can drop everything and give the frigging store to a bunch of corrupt bankers.
The Democrats are even going along with this. Just like they sold our military out to an illegal war in Iraq. Just like they sold out our rights to pass the PATRIOT Act. Just like both parties have pissed on the Constitution and sold our country's soul down the river to lobbyists, BlackWater thugs, and Talibangelical assholes who want to create a theocracy in this nation.
This blows.
And then we have the tragicomic douchebag McCain "suspending his campaign" to show up in the Senate, something he hasn't done in months.
Much has been said about Letterman's trashing of "Ace" for cancelling his appearance on the Late Show and lying about it.
And while good, I still say the best attack goes to recently minted citizen Craig Ferguson:
"You can't suspend the democratic process because we're facing problems. At what point do you think, maybe we should suspend the election? We'll have the elections later. Some people have done that before: Castro did it, Napoleon did it, Julius Caesar did it. You can't do that. If you like it or not, the campaign is part of the democratic process....You wanna take your time off, that's fine, but you don't say we're suspending the campaign. You can't say that. It's the democratic process. We didn't suspend it for 9/11, we didn't suspend it for Pearl Harbor, we didn't suspend it for the Nazis, we didn't suspend it for the damn British. We don't do that in America!"
One last shot from Jon Soltz, from VoteVets:
"When you're Commander in Chief, I don't think there'd be a worse signal to send to our troops in harm's way than to say, 'Hey, hold on guys. I know you're getting killed over there, but I have to get a time-out here to deal with Wall Street.'If troops need to multi-task without a break, is it so wrong that we demand that a potential President-in-waiting prove that he can manage a financial crisis, and still address crises around the world for 90 minutes? And, if a potential President-to-be can't manage that, is it wrong to think that maybe he ought not just suspend a debate and the campaign, but move aside and get out of the race?"
Hey! Chickenshit McCain! Are you listening?