More on the dangers of electing John McCain.
An Army officer retracts a slanderous rip on Obama from when Barack visited our troops in theater. Seems he, um, "embellished" some things when providing his slanted POV.
McCain repeatedly, and incorrectly, swears we don't torture people. This one the eve of him voting to keep waterboarding as an interrogation option. Okay...let me get this straight. You have been tortured. You don't like it. You swear we don't torture, yet you vote to keep a torture practice in the playbook knowing full well we have used it and will again. Bizarre little man.
Speaking of torture, some Homeland Security goons wants to outfit you with a shock collar when you travel on a plane. 'Nuff said.
And for every moment you hear that John McCain is some anti-corruption "maverick", let 236 remind you that:
Also, the Rethugs have been having a field day ripping on Obama for saying that we can conserve more fuel from basic automotive maintenance than by drilling for every last drop. The thing is? He's right. He is also right about getting guaranteed gains in fuel efficiency TODAY as opposed to MAYBE finding oil we will see in a pipeline no early than 12 years from now.
Another voice recommending conservation over blind faith in fairy tales.
Republicans: Don't accept personal responsibility for something you "might" be able to half-ass solve decades from now.