Get 'em while they are young. Some fifth grade assmunch with the WASP/Pigfucker name of Daxx Dalton chose suspension from school rather than take off his "Obama is a terrorist's best friend" t-shirt.
I might have a problem with this if a) he was an adult and not a brainwashed inbred Republican, and b) if the Bush Leaguers hadn't spent the past decade censoring thought in this country to the point where you can't even challenge the Presidunce.
In New Jersey, Republicans are racist co-religious zealots
Cizik may want to believe Republicans aren't infested with racists and bigots, but he's an idiot for doing so.
Why, Hockey Mom VP Sarah Palin once got "freed from witchcraft" from a preacher who believes our economy could be stronger if "Christians" could wrest control of the economy from "Israelites". Say what?! Yeah, that's right, the Talibangelicals are wondered about Jewish moneylenders.
Pathetic bastards.
Hell, I *know* there is more. I'm just too pissed off to go find it.