Rethugs and Talibangelicals are afeared that the world is gonna end.
Wait a minute, I thought they WANTED the world to end? Isn't that why they are burning down the forests, drilling everywhere, bombing brown people, and torturing those who live through the bombings? Isn't that why they are trying to destroy science, make our children ignorance abstinence-only/butt-sex/Palin-spawn breeders, and kill any innovation that would stop us from giving billions to Saudis princes who then give said money to al-Qaeda to come kill our decadent asses?
Anyway, this comes to mind today as the Large Hadron Collider comes online today. If you are still reading this, nothing drastic happened. The world didn't end. The Rapture didn't happen.
Wired takes a look at the best and worst case scenarios for what the collider will do.
And if you truly ARE worried that science and not the Anti-Christ will end life as we know it, head on over to Has The Large Hadron Collider Destroyed the World
Oh, and don't worry about the lunatic fringe. Talibangelical farmers are already up in arms about RFID tagging on farm animals. Apparently all our meat is now subject to bearing the Mark of the Beast.