Dear Leader isn't looking so hot

This morning McCain started twitching and then got lost on stage.

The twitch in slo-mo:

The wandering:

I mean, there are jokes, like this one about McCain's debate notes and then there's this. The GOP is running a guy having facial twitches with a history of cancer and who has a running mate that makes Pinky from Animaniacs look like a Nobel-winning physicist by comparison.

This is not sane, people.

"If I were dictator, which I always aspire to be, I would write it a little bit differently."

- McCain on his lust for dictatorial power and how he'd fix the economy

Meanwhile, we got a glimpse into the soul of "Ace" in this interview with the Des Moines Register, where he got snippy during the interview.

Great, a cancer-ridden dictator with anger management issues, nuclear weapons and a dim-witted sidekick. And he still might win the election.

You fucking idiots.