No big surprise

So, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann thinks that all our economic problems are the fault of "blacks and other minorites". But she swears she isn't a racist for saying that.

She blames the Clinton-era Community Reinvestment Act, which allowed banks to loan to poor families, even some that are white! According to all observers who aren't members of the KKK/GOP, the CRA actually is NOT to blame. But hey, the Rethugs will blame everyone but themselves, particularly if they can make it racially tinged.

She's not alone. More and more GOP asshats are jumping on the "blame the darkies" bandwagon.

In South Carolina, a mayor there "just wants to make sure" that Obama isn't the Anti-Christ. And some GOP tool in NY state had to resign for spreading a hate-filled anti-Obama email. I hope the bitch loses her house.