One of our habits has been to watch the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC when coming home from work.
I mean, *I* am a news junkie, but Leslie isn't, and with the election coming we started watching more news this summer just to keep up to date on stuff. CNN started feeling more and more like FAUXNews Lite (seriously, how many conservatives does it take before you feel dirty watching a news program?) so we went over to MSNBC. For the record, Gloria Borger needs to get over herself, and Amy Holmes needs to realize that her friends, and probably her own mother, talk shit behind her back over how much of a smug twit she is. It was nice to have seen her grilled relentlessly on Maher a couple times.
That said, as much as I love Olbermann's overly dramatic smarminess, sometimes it IS a bit much. So, we both dig Rachel Maddow. She's snarky and sarcastic, but probably not much more than you or me. It has been fun to watch her develop her show around her personality and apparently others have noticed. Plus, for as much as I hound FAUXNews idjuts for tuning into their propaganda machine, it IS nice to have a newcaster actually agree with you once in awhile. Not to the exclusion of other voices, just to have a friendly face deliver the bad news in an agreeable way.
Then again, "friendly" and "agreeable" don't even come close to describing O'Reilly or Hannity. So maybe I don't have any common cause with those Rethugs after all.
The New York Times did a personal interest piece on her awhile back that was, well, interesting. This tied in well with an article on how she's changing evening cable news.
The American Prospect also did a good write-up on her back in September.
Newsweek did a pretty good writeup recently as well. Seems like folks are clued in to what quality programming is coming out of the idiot box every so often.
Even the Wall Street Journal jumps on the bandwagon.
So, hey, check it out if you haven't already.