Bush wants to let Talibangelical doctors and pharmacists pick and choose what procedures they'll do based on whatever narrow-minded religious belief they adhere to.
Look, you're a doctor. You heal people. First, do no harm to the patient. Got it? You want to worry about their immortal soul? Become a clergyman. You want to worry about YOUR mortal soul. Get a soul first because if he already had one you'd know better than to mix your bigoted religion and the real important job of being a healer.
Frankly, I'd like to see any asshole who WILL NOT do their job fired, then sued, then beaten soundly by their community.
I mean, what's next? Evangelical firemen who won't put out fires at bars, synagogues, and homes of atheists? Police who won't intervene when a Goth kid is getting beat up by the football team because they *might* not be Christian?
Gimme a break. When you CHOOSE to serve the community, you have to serve the whole fucking community. End of story. No embellishment, no sidenotes, no flexible options. Do it, or get the hell out of the business so someone who WILL do it CAN.