The Washington Monthly | A Religious Right Crackup?

Sounds like the so-called Christians are having a generational battle. The older folks are twisted in with the GOP so much that they endorse torture as much as a neocon just to get political support for gay bashing and blowing up abortion clinics.

Meanwhile, the kids have figured out they are getting duped by the party, who just take them for granted as a solid voting bloc. And let's be fair, they're a political party, that's what they do. How many African-Americans feel screwed by the Democrats? Or unions for that matter?

Anyway, I really do hope this means a couple things. One, that Christians can stop being hate-filled bigots and care for others without being labelled hypocrites by their fellow paritioners. And two, I truly hope we can get past this age of division over religion. I am really as bad as many at bashing various churches for their teachings. I think they deserve it.

That said, I do believe. I just loathe the majority of the loudest messengers these days. I see the good work by my cousins on the Miller side of the family and I ask why we don't see more of this in our nation. Heck, in the world. Instead we get anger, fear, hate of the other, and sometimes calls to kill those who don't see things the same way.

Want to know why I avoid church and try to catch some extra Zs on Sunday? To avoid that ilk.