Catholic political divide over Obama at Notre Dame : NPR

Once again, more proof on why I'm not a practicing Catholic.

If I'm supposed to accept that the bigotry of Lil' Miss Prejean-dice is an "opinion" instead of a bigoted screed, then how in the hell can her backers who play with overt racism reject the President of the United States as a valid speaker at Notre Dame?

They don't like his policies, that's for sure. But given that they were cool with Bush's torture and Reagan's hatred of the poor, and Clinton's deceptive marital status, there really is only one valid reason to balk at Obama's visit to their school to deliver a commencement address, and it isn't his stance on abortion.

There's some vile discussion of the "controversy" here. The comments and views of Gary Bauer and Cesar Condi and Steve Steckler are particularly odious.

Arizona State is refusing to grant President Obama an honorary degree as he speaks there tonight. Given that Arizona is a complete and utter conservative haven for dipshits (re: Goldwater, McCain, Kyl, Arpaio, and Simcox, et al), their particular brand of bigotry isn't really a surprise. With that said, I present - via the Daily Show - the idiots that will soon be inflicted upon us that will have degrees from Arizona State that they "earned".

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Arizona State Snubs Obama