In Moscow, an Attempt to Wed Pushes Gay Rights -

Rethug Conservatives love the Putin Russia.

Don't believe me?

They love a police state under the rule of an all powerful military and intelligence community.

They love bombing anyone they want with impunity (re: Chechnya, Georgia, etc.).

They love having a big energy conglomerate (i.e. Gazprom) work without any government restrictions and constantly padding politico's pockets and having it's own small army. Imagine Exxon with Blackwater/Xe as it's strong arm.

They love bigotry, especially government sanctioned homophobia. The linked article focuses on a couple that wanted to get married and were denied, just like Republicans get wet about whenever they think about it happening here in America.

So, sure, some Dems would like the US to be a tad more socialist. Not the president, but they are right about some liberal types.

However, it seems the conservatives in our nation would love to fall over themselves to emulate post-Soviet Russia ala Putin style. It completely seems to be right up their alley.