Ensign's Sex-Scandal Enabler? - The Daily Beast

Turns out that another "family values" Republican has spent the last year providing cover for John Ensign's affair.

Tom Coburn, supposedly "moral" Oklahoma legislator, has been point man on a) supporting Ensign, and b) covering up the affair.

To clear things up for our pseudo-Christian friends: Ensign screwed a subordinate which, yes, violates his oath of marriage, and then bumped up her pay, got her husband AND her 19 year old son gigs on both the federal and GOP dime.

But you guys sure know when a wrong is wrong, right? Clinton screws an intern and we blow (sorry, bad pun) the better part of a million to get him impeach. Your boy Larry Craig tries to have sex with another man you try your best to run him out of office.

Here in Nevada we have a GOP governor who took office early (and possibly illegally), tried to bang a cocktail waitress in a parking garage and has cheated on his wife with other women, but you're fine with that.

And now Nevada has another scumbag violator of the oath of marriage and you have no problem with that either?