What's it like to always be on the wrong side of the argument?

According to recent polls, 72 percent of Americans would like the government to offer some kind of public option plan for health insurance.

According to the same poll, only 18 percent would even want to see what Rethugs have to think on the issue. So why are they getting all of the press?

Honestly, given how Leslie's plan has been gutted and how mine has felt a bit of a squeeze of late, I'd like to see the details of said policy as well.

I just think Republicans don't want to lose the lobbyist dollars they get from the insurance industry. I mean, if they really hated public insurance, they'd be cancelling the plan the government currently spends money on for them. Right?

Click here to see which our your supposed representatives are at the teat of the health insurance and drug company bribes. Erm, "contributions".

There sure are a lot of Red Staters there.