It won't help you today, but for nothing more than historical reference, a guide to the digital changeover.
If nothing else, it is a passing of an age for a lot of us. I was about ten or eleven when we got some form of cable and was pretty adapt in the manipulation of rabbit ears and whatever else you needed to get a signal. Living in Galva and being cable-less was always a trick, especially since our nearest signals were over 40 miles away - in opposite directions. You could get two NBCs and ABCs - or none at all.
Just a couple weeks ago we lost the cable for the better part of a day and whipped out the rabbit ears. Now, we won't have the option unless we go buy one of the new boxes I guess.
And so this passes, along with rotary phones, playing in the streets until dark without fear of pedophile rapists, and high beams you click on with your feet.
I guess I'm getting old or something.