They say the Republican Party has to embrace the web to maintain traction in this current political environment.
Personally, I think they'd be better off trying to cull the racists, bigots, terrorists and loudmouth drug addict sex fiend radio shitheels in their midst. But that's just me.
As for the whole "we know Web 2.0" thing? They have a lot to learn.
Last year, for some reason, I started getting email from Jim Inhofe. You know, the anti-climate change racist asswipe. I don't know how I got on his list. Presumably they trolled a list of any email account that ever sent a message from Oklahoma and spammed it. I mean, I haven't lived there since 2003, never voted for the asshole or his ilk, and I have never been a member of the GOP, KKK, or NRA.
It was mildly entertaining to read his detached from reality BS during the election, until the rise of the Palinites and Inhofe's willingness to join their racist sedition bandwagon. I unsubscribed and was the better for doing so.
Until this week. Mary Fallin, another OK Rethug cretin, is running for governor. And suddenly I'm getting email from her.
Yeah, these spam artists have a lot to learn about properly using technology for something other than to blow up brown people and assassinate people in churches and Holocaust museums.