You probably won't hear this on TV or read it in the news, but apparently we've had a THIRD incident of conservative terrorism.
Shooting a doctor in church and trying to assassinate a crowd in the Holocaust museum wasn't enough for these guys.
Now, they've taken to race-based home invasion and murder. Three Minuteman terrorists staged a drug raid on a Latino family and rob them. But just for the hell of it, they decided to execute them, presumably for the color of their skin. This included shooting an eight year old girl.
The mother of the family survived and called the police. Bonus vengeance: she found a gun and shot one of the attackers when they returned to check that everyone was dead. Bonus bonus: she shot the one named Bush. Just saying.
Here is an actual news article on this. The local racists originally thought this was a race-on-race attack. Because, you know, all Mexicans are murderers.