Why do...Republicans Hate Women?

Women legislators are a severe minority in the Republican Party. Enough to warrant special attention.

I mean, it's pretty obvious why given their policies, but it is still quite alarming. You expect this stuff from a Third World nation, just not here. Hell, even Pakistan has had a female leader, but we have a party actively against the rights of women recently hold all the levers of power in the United States.

Case in point: in Rethug Texas, if you are a woman who is raped and work with the police to prosecute your assailant, they will charge you for your rape kit. The implied message is "rape is okay, don't raise a stink". A similar charge was exacted in Palin's Alaska.

The point was really drove home recently when Rethug Hero (and Felon) G. Gordon Liddy launched a race and gender-based attack on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor which included the following statement:

"Let's hope that the key conferences aren't when she's menstruating or something."

Stay classy GOP.