Reservist balks at deployment, challenging Obama's citizenship - On Deadline -

Looks like the traitors are beginning to sue. A reservist purposely volunteered for duty in Afghanistan and then refused to deploy since he says Obama isn't actually an American citizen and thus isn't a legal president.

This is part of the racist "birther" movement which is basically a Republican cover to be racist bastards. If waterboarded, I am sure nearly all of them would swear that they KNOW Obama is American. Actually, if waterboarded, I'm sure every single one of these cretins would say anything you'd want them to say.

The Army has cancelled his deployment orders and a civilian judge has stupidly allowed his case to carry on. As far as the military is concerned, I hope they strip this traitor of his officer's commission and clear a bunk at Leavenworth for the asshole.

More on the case, as well as information that ties both FAUXNews (more here) and the Republican Party to this mutineer and his potentially traitorous act.

Apparenty FAUX and the GOP are "palling around" with treason.