Some E-Books Are More Equal Than Others - Pogue's Posts Blog -

I like technology. I like books.

Scratch that. I love books. Want to know why? Because once you own a book, it's your's. Not the bookstore's. Your's.

Want to know why I don't have a Kindle and just have some ebooks I use Microsoft Reader for?

This is why. Turns out a publisher decided not to offer electronic editions of George Orwell, so Amazon rushed full steam ahead and deleted Orwell's books from it's customer's Kindles.

Um, kiss my ass Amazon.

Ironically, they picked Orwell, who, of course was so focused on the ills of censorship and totalitarian rule.

I have both 1984 and Animal Farm on my shelf at home and you can find an electronic edition of the former here. For Animal Farm you may be out of luck on a legal e-book option.