Republican Heroes: Random Vile Cretins and Racists

First off, we've got Rep. Lynn Jenkins of Kansas, who proudly told her constituents that the GOP is searching for a "great white hope" to challenge President Obama. More here from Matt Yglesias, who is far more forgiving than I am.

Conservative blogger (and asshat extraordinaire) Andrew Breitbart decided to go full-out crazy and bash on Kennedy before he's even in the grave. Aside from the lies and distortions and just plain meanness, I'm sure Andrew is a fine example of conservative Christian charity and love for all mankind.

Yeah, I almost puked writing that.

Back to racist Republicans, Neal Boortz, another conservative media blowhard is all about leaving New Orleans to rot. How do I know this? Because he states it in the most delicate Tweet possible:

The "debris" he speaks of are presumably the black residents that have yet to return to their hometown.

Foreign reporters discuss the uncaring mean streak we Americans seem to have when it comes to the welfare of our fellow citizens. Granted, not every jerk is a Republican, but the Democrats certainly haven't codified it into their platform like the GOP has.

Why does *anybody* take these people seriously anymore?

Segue: Bill Moyers did a good segment on talk radio violence recently. Give it a look.