Too Much Hate and Stupidity

First off, the stupid.

Senator Mike Enzi, Republican from Wyoming, recently told his town brawl supporters that he never planned to compromise on health care reform, he just wanted to screw it up as much as he could. In his own words:

"It's not where I get them to compromise, it's what I get them to leave out."

Even more degenerate Senator Jim Inhofe gets to the real role of GOP legislative "prowess" in the Age of Obama. On health care reform legislation:

"I don't have to read it, or know what's in it. I'm going to oppose it anyways."

With enemies like this, you'd think all Democrats would rally around reform. You'd think so, but you'd be wrong. Here are the Fifth Columnist Democrats (and Lieberman) who are willing to sell out reform and act like pigheaded Republicans who can be bought with lobbyist silver. In some of their cases - especially YOU Baucus - that's millions in silver.

Now for the hate.

I know I wasn't going to focus on this, but dear lord do these so-called Christians know how to hate their neighbors.

Here is a sampling of the hateful attacks on Ted Kennedy after the news broke that he had died. Apparently Republicans have no ability to respect the dead.

In California, Rep. Wally Herger still refuses to back down on supporting a "proud right-wing terrorist".

Meanwhile, in Arizona, Steven Anderson, the pastor of one of the degenerates who brought an assault rifle to the President's event there last week wants Obama to die. He gave a sermon on "Why I Hate Barack Obama" and preaches the following from the pulpit:

"I'm going to pray that he dies and goes to hell."

Then he goes on to state that he in no way supports the assassination of the President. But damn is he proud of his parishioner showing up packing heat to a political event.

And, once again, you wonder why I have a problem with organized religion. The Bible says this:

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

- Timothy 2:1-2 (King James Version)

And instead we get the following from the Talibangelicals like Anderson:

"No where in the sermon did I advocate vigilantism. It's a spiritual battle....I'd rather have him die of natural causes anyway, that way he's not some martyr. I'm praying for him to die just so he gets what he deserves."


You'd hope all Republicans would hesitate to assassinate our nation's leader. That said, Republican Rex Ramell, when prompted by an audience member at a GOP rally said, "The Obama tags? We'd buy some of those."

Laugh it up asshole. You want to be governor of Idaho, but just admitted to wanting to hunt the President.

You'd hope he'd do time for something like that, but Rethugs strangely never do time for violent threats.