The Washington Independent: Obtained: The RNC's Health Care Survey

"Yes, Dems are going to deny health care to anyone registered as a Republican. The original plan was to harvest their organs. However, that plan had to be scrapped after it was discovered that their brains weren't any good and their hearts were completely gone!"

- Commenter Steve, tongue fully in cheek

Seriously, check this out. It's a survey being passed out to Republicans. One, to scare them into pushing against reform. Two, to solicit donations to the RNC. Because, you know, it isn't worth scaring American citizens to a Rethug if you can't possibly make a buck off of it.

That question is the best part. Apparently it is meant to scare Republicans into thinking that they might not be allowed to participate into a public health care plan.

You know, the plan they call "socialist". The plan they shout down town hall meetings to protest against. The ones they show up with assault weapons because they want to silence advocates for such a plan. The public option they'd like to kill the President over.

The RNC is so concerned about this that they want to warn their constituents by filling their heads with outright lies.

The height of hypocrisy here, of course, is that why the hell would Republicans be worried about mythically being left out of a system they swear up and down they won't participate in? It's like sending me a memo letting me know that I'll probably not be allowed to join the Klan. Good! I didn't want anything to do with Kluckers anyway!

Here's the whole damned survey...

...followed by the begging for money section: