I'm not sure how I missed this, but I am damn glad to report it now. Astronaut Joe Hernandez called for legalizing undocumented migrants during his stint on the space station. In his words:
"The American economy needs them....I believe it's only fair to find a way to legalize them and give them an opportunity to work openly, so they can also retire in a traditional U.S. system."
Or as Gustavo says:
CONGRATS TO: Astronauts Danny Olivas and José Hernández, for recently eating burritos in space, and especially to Hernández, who spoke out in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants. From the deserts of Sonora to the Bering Sea, to now outer space, the Reconquista not only is real, it's COSMIC. To quote that other famous illegal alien, the Borg: Resistance is futile, Know Nothings!