Orange County News - Anti-Obama 'Eligibility' Movement Members Breaking Ties With Laguna Niguel Birther Orly Taitz

It is kind of amusing to watch these Birther Traitors eat themselves as their arguments get crazier every day.

But I really am posting the story to highlight this comment:

Seriously. Does anyone doubt that the BIRTHERS are anything other than a bunch of inbred, uneducated, dentally impaired, banjo-playing, smelly, obese, trailer denizens who "proudly" supported BUSH JR.'s rape of our freedom of privacy and now crawl out from their backward Wal-Mart cesspools to inflict their abject stupidity on the rest of us?

I thought not.

Comment by Todd Sputnik from San Diego on Sep 25th, 2009, 16:55 pm