Yep. Progressives can be damnfool idiots.
I read the blogs where people piss and moan that Obama isn't doing enough. Get bent. You bastards are just as bad as the Rethugs you think are your enemies. Both camps can go walk off a pier for all I care.
Here is an article that argues against such stupid hysteria. I love it.
I get it. People want it all. Right now. Now damnit! But they don't. No one teaches patience anymore. Or compromise. Or intelligence apparently.
As best as I can see, Obama's plan is to affect the greatest change to the greatest amount of citizens. You may not like that stem cell research bans and equal pay benefits and the just-so-damned-close grasp of health care reform has happened before lifting the Don't Ask Don't Tell ban, but tell me how many people get affected by the latter versus any of the former examples.
Now, tell me how many Americans of ANY political stripe could gain from science advances in health, better pay for women and health care reform?
Obama isn't trying to win elections (I mean, he only has one left to ever worry about again at best) but to build a legacy other Democrats can build on. Our best shot before this was centrist Clinton, and Obama is only slightly more to the left than Bill. You want actual progressive action? Earn it.
Give independents and moderates a better standard of living, a better safety net, a better nation. Sure, some will stay racist, and angry, and bigoted and fearful towards things they don't understand, but some will join along for the ride, just to see what other improvements this country might make for them, and hopefully with them. Everyone loves a winner, right?
For my progressive friends, will YOU enjoy everything? No. You'll harp about Gitmo still being open next March or DADT still on the books until probably the middle of next year. You'll feel betrayed.
But things WILL be better. Not for everyone, not for those who wanted change right away. But things ARE better as many have said. And things will GET better and those things that harm a percentage of us will be addressed unless you let the things that divide us stop the things that continue to harm the whole of us get fixed.
Have I enjoyed and supported everything Obama has done? No. I've cursed at my TV a couple times myself. But I got over it. I see there's a plan in play. This is politics, being waged against adversaries schooled in racism, packed with wannabe Tim McVeighs. You don't want to pander to their traitors, but you also don't want to make too many sudden moves around the assholes either.
Is it fair? No. But when has it ever come closer to this before?