You've probably heard about this, but some tool put a poll out on Facebook asking if they wanted Obama killed.
First, aside from the obvious tastelessness and sedition involved, even if you ARE a racist traitorous shitheel, why would you vote for that? Never mind the idiot that made it, he should hopefully do time - though he won't. But seriously, even old fashioned web votes can track IPs. Why would you link yourself with presidential assassination on a program YOU HAVE TO LOG IN TO?!
Honestly, the punishment for this should be to wipe you out of the gene pool. Yeah, sure, you are an evil cretin and a Republican, but that's permissible in this nation. What should NOT be is being so damn stupid and being allowed to pass that on to a new generation.
Because, honestly folks, the stuff you hear coming out of Lush Rimjob and Beck and their ilk isn't even sensible. If it were a smart argument, it would be taken seriously by rational Americans. Look, Michelle Malkin couldn't factor her cut of a five way bar tab, never mind the tip, and anything coming from her 1995-looking blog or falling out of her anger-contorted face can't and shouldn't be taken as more than Tourette's-like ramblings.
But people DO listen to this crap, and take it to heart.
And even on little 'ol Facebook, the Poll app, taken over by conservatives long ago, went too far. The creator thinks this is surprising, but having seen some of these poll questions, I figure it was just a matter of time.
People are dumb, and some of them are afraid and angry because most of us are fine with a black guy as president. Most of us are fine with health care reform and playing well with other nations, and having good science and equal pay for women. Obama did run on saying he'd do these things. These are not surprises. The only surprise is that the angry mobs expect us to believe they are actually mad about his policies.
They aren't. They are angry racists and the sooner they realize the nation CHOSE this path the better. And if we need the Secret Service to pound a few of their heads when they are preaching sedition, then that's what the Secret Service is for.
I mean, hell, they authorized people being arrested for wearing t-shirts against Bush, maybe they can beat some assault weapon packing perp to knock some sense into him at the next Obama appearance.