Reposted in it's entirety because Elvis deserves full credit for this post without any editorializing by me.
By BCAB Chief Insane Wingnut Watcher Elvis Dingeldein.
Just a brief note to remind you all that if, Teh Only True Honky God™ Forbid, Something Awful Happens to the President of the United States, it absolutely will not be due to Republican efforts to dehumanize him as something crapped out of Satan's pustule-ridden Hades Hole and stitched together from Hitler Bits and wolf offal. Nooo, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Fucking Wingnutville) just wants to remind you that the democratically-elected President of the United States is simply "an enemy of humanity." That's all! No harm there, right?
Oh no, you heard that right! A sitting Congressman of the United States House of Representatives ("The House That Hope Forgot") wants you to know that the president is an enemy of the whole of humanity. Not just to White Honky Taxpaying Taxpayers; not just to Old Peoples with their troublesome longevities; not just to Straight American Married Peoples terrified of Sudden Inexplicable Gayness Syndrome; not just to Decent Muslim-Fearing Christians with actual birth certificates not printed on Kenyan treebark! No, President Obama is the enemy of all humanity.
Nothing inflammatory or rabble-rousing about that.