Whether you like it or not, if you voted for President Obama last year, you are partly responsible for this strategy. That's not entirely a bad thing depending on your position on the war, but it's worth repeating that the president never spoke of drawing down our forces in the Af-Pak region during the campaign, nor did he mention such a thing during his first 10 months in office.
From this article from Bob Cesca.
Maybe this ruins some of my liberal credentials, but I figure that if you start a war, you'd better finish the damn thing or create conditions to make it look like you did what you could before bailing out. I mean, hell, it took a Democrat to get us through World War II. Not to mention World War I as well.
Hell, the simple act of electing a Republican started the Civil War. Yeah, that's unfair to Lincoln but it is an absolute fact. And barring Vietnam, I can't think of another war out there the Republicans didn't fan the flames of. And Vietnam is just another in a long series of lessons of "don't try to clean up French screwups" with all apologies to the French.
In any event, if you voted for Obama and didn't know he was going to escalate the war in Afghanistan, you, frankly, are a fucking idiot. You should have wrote in for Kucinich and then bitched and whined about it, because Barack flat out told you we were going to go back and finish that war. And I truly hope he does and without much more deaths to our forces.
I don't get all these folks who are crying that Obama isn't the peacemaker he apparently told them personally he was going to be. HE TOLD YOU WE WOULD CONTINUE THE FIGHT MORONS!
I swear, the people I align myself with. Thankfully the Rethugs are repressed gays and unrepressed bigots otherwise they'd almost be attractive. Ha! I kid.
But seriously, to take back this nation from racist religious zealots, you need a hard-headed, big-hearted, patient but fearless guy. That's what we've got. No ego-windbag Clinton, no well-meaning but pacifist Kucinich. We've got Obama. He, to date, hasn't done anything he hadn't already advertised he was going to try to do. He's got a list, you know what it is, and he's going down it. Not as fast as everyone would like, but you already KNOW how this is going to work.
So stop crying and pretending like this is shocking or something.