Remember, it could be worse. We could be under the reign of President Palin now, with Johnny Mac being poisoned, err, had "an incident" back in June or something. You think things look bleak now, life under her rule would be pure bloody anarchy.
So, read this and this with that in mind, no matter if it means you lost out on a Playboy pictorial of a heavily airbrushed moose hunter to spike her ratings during whatever scandal du jour knocked her favorable ratings down.
The success of his first year will be largely dependent on the outcome of the health care debate, but Obama may soon be able to point to his first 12 months in office and say he rescued the economy from a depression, passed the health care reform bill Americans have been waiting decades for, approved most progressive budget bill in a generation, got a Supreme Court nominee confirmed, lifted the ban on stem-cell research, passed a national service bill, passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, passed new regulations of the credit card industry, passed new regulation of the tobacco industry, achieved some key counter-terrorism successes, and helped improve the nation's standing on the world stage.There have been plenty of painful missed opportunities, but as first years go, this isn't bad. Imagine what Obama's record would be like if Republicans hadn't gone mad and if supermajorities weren't needed on every vote in the Senate. (Or better yet, imagine what Obama's record would be like if he entered office in 2001, with a strong economy and massive surplus.)