Report Examines Civil Rights Enforcement During Bush Years -

Not that I am surprised but it turns out that during the Reign of Bush the Justice Department was either actively told to ignore or actively thwarted from addressing civil rights abuses. Yes, that's right, even Bush, who I probably think isn't a racist, couldn't help himself from the GOP mantra that racism doesn't exist because it isn't happening to them.

So now evidence that they truly were trying to set folks up as second- or third-class citizens.

In similar news, a Judge upheld the Voting Rights Act which protects minority groups from having their votes taken from them. The suit was filed by, you guessed it, the Republican National Committee. Sadly the judge did weaken the act somewhat, which is something we should all be on the lookout for.

Actually, I believe in karma and irony and I actually hope that the Voting Rights Act becomes weakened. You know, so maybe it becomes completely irrelevant and useless come the day that angry racist white Republicans actually need it to protect their access to the franchise. Yes, that's a dirty evil Republican thing to say but it would serve the anti-American bastards right.