Racism, Homophobia Dominates Tea Party Protest Over Health Care Bill

This is not a spontaneous uprising of disaffected citizens who are angry about bailouts. This is the base of the modern Republican party, same as it ever was.

- Digby on the Tea Party Racist Traitors

I'd love to say I'm surprised but I've lived in the South and in the rural Midwest. Racist Republicans are nothing new to me.

However, you used to find that the most vile woman-hating, minority-loathing, gay-bashing language was kept at home. Now it is out in the open. The secessionist bullshit is in the open. The violent revolution is on the table.

Why? Because they lost a couple elections. That's it. People, in the main, got tired of their lies and bullshit and voted a lot of Republicans out of office. Then, we the people, elected a black man president. And these cretins went insane.

You have a better explanation? Pop me an email, because nothing else looks plausible.

Our nation is progressing. Moving forward. We just now got a health insurance system that is on par with other free nations of the world. They got their's in the middle of the last century. We'll get a portion of our's in four years time. Progress. Kind of.

But this is horrible for the conservatives. Let's see what passes for compassion with them.

Reverting to time honored racism, calling black Congressmen "nigger". Spitting on Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver.

Talking Points Memo has a nice roundup on both the racial element, plus the blatant homophobia by calls of "faggot" directed at Rep. Barney Frank.

Once again, so "compassionate" these conservatives.

Here are Reps James Clyburn and Elijah condemning the Rethugs: