Weak tea? Partiers fear fallout - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO.com

In theory, some of the Tea Bagging Traitors fear a backlash from all the racist and treasonous bullshit their kind spews. Granted, I'm supposed to believe these morons don't know they traffic in treason. That's a big leap of faith to be honest.

Cases in point follow.

Pastor Randy Neugebauer, who was on the ticket with Alan Keyes, is calling for the death of all 219 representatives who voted for health care reform. Now THAT is compassionate conservatism in action! And he's supposedly a "man of God".

ConservaTwit Solomon "Solly" Forell is in deep shit for tweeting about assassinating President Obama. So much for democracy; not that the GOP has been a fan of it anyway.

And then there are the Tea Bagger protest signs. Here are some, plus some more here.

- Bonus points for using a LaRouche sign

There's protesting and then there is pissing on the concept of America. This is the latter. They voluntarily chose to no longer be my countrymen.