Arizona shooting: 'Does she have any enemies?' 'Yeah. The whole Tea Party' | World news | The Guardian

When even Giffords' dad blames violent conservatives, maybe you might want to give this theory a chance to be discussed.

I know it is considered polite not to accuse people of poor behavior even when they are in the midst of doing so. But most of my adult life I've heard conservatives make harsh jokes about the Clintons, insulting their daughter, mocking each other, hating that Barack Obama is black and President.

Hell, even McCain was attacked by Bush, saying his adopted daughter was his love child from when he was a prisoner in Vietnam. I'm no McCain fan, but that is low. And the fact that he thought he could only continue his career by laughing it off and literally embracing Bush afterwards says a lot about his lack of self-respect and about how shitty things are in the Republican party in this regard.

So yeah, if Mr. Giffords wants to blame Sarah Palin, et al for his daughter having been shot in the head, I am inclined to let the man have his opinion. He's got a lot of damn good reasons for coming to that conclusion.