What if 31 Shots Had Been Only 10? | Mother Jones

It isn't enough to calm your words and rhetoric. More should be done. We have allowed Second Amendment-twisting morons the right to have their own personal armories in their own homes. Legally.

I have no problem with gun ownership. Have a rifle to hunt with. Have a shotgun to take out a home invader should that ever happen. A handgun? Be serious. Most folks aren't properly trained with it and ever fewer of those practice often enough to be able to shoot straight with one.

And even if you have one, do you really need a 31 round clip instead of just 10 for your Glock?

Do you? Really? Because that, if nothing else, is what separated the unfortunate shooting of a couple people versus taking out 20 people.

You've got the right to own a gun. You shouldn't have the right to be fricking Rambo.

Rachel Maddow covers our national obsession with guns. We've got more guns per capita than Yemen. You know, where al-Qaeda hangs out and runs half of the country.

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