Robert Reich: The Attack on American Education

I was reminded of this post from a few weeks back when thinking about the situation in Wisconsin.

It isn't just unions Republicans hate. Or common folks having the audacity to believe they have rights - or to even speak up to defend those rights. Nah, they just sic the National Guard on folks like that and act like the dictators we support around the world.

No, it's learning they hate. People who work to learn things, particularly things they don't even have to use for a job, scare them. Learning for learning's sake confuses them. Knowing things that make you a better, more well-rounded person does not conform to the Republican belief of take orders, obey them, and shut up.

Knowledge is power and conservatives only can compute that money equals power. Anything outside that equation confuses them.

So learn something people. Do it just because you are curious. If you better yourself financially, great! But do it for your SELF, not your wallet.

I was actually argued with by a Facebook "friend" for posting the following: "Try to learn something new every day, because the more you know, the smarter you'll grow." That was Miss Rosa on the PBS kid's programming block. I mean, seriously, who hates that kind of mentality? Why the fear and loathing of knowing more tomorrow than you do today?