The Maddow Blog - Wisconsin gov made his own problem

It turns out that Wisconsin's "budget shortfall" it the direct result of Governor Walker and his allies pushing through tax cuts that CREATED the problem he's supposedly trying to "fix". Some more detail here.

As for taking rights away from public workers, there is no explanation how that saves money in the immediate future. With no rights, teachers and sanitation workers won't be able to bargain for a fair wage and benefits in the future, but that's not what the Governor purports to be doing.

No, Scott Walker is beholden to the evil bastiches who paid for his campaign, among them the Koch Brothers from Texas, who are working hard to destroy unions in our nation.

Jimmy Hoffa aside, unions have done a lot in this nation. You have weekends, usually 8 hour shifts, no kids in coal mines, and so on because of unions. Carnegie might have build a lot of libraries but he didn't give a rat's ass about the common man. And it wasn't his job to. No company is paid to worry about what workers need. That's kind of the point of capitalism and to believe otherwise is to be an idiot.

And so while carpet-bagging Tea Baggers are going to Wisconsin to "support Walker" even though THEIR jobs aren't on the line, it's mostly a sham to screw Americans out of even more rights.

And this isn't just a Wisconsin or tea bagger thing. It is part of a national plan of attack on working men and women. And that's as simple as it gets to explaining the situation there and across this land.

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