Scott Walker Falls for Killer Prank by Liberal Blogger Posing as Right-Winger Sugar Daddy David Koch | AlterNet

If you believe in freedom and democracy in the United States (and even if you are a Republican and don't), give the following a listen. Abbreviated transcript here.

A liberal blogger recorded this on Skype. He swears it is true and David Korn over at Mother Jones says the governor's office confirms it. More confirmation here.

Mother Jones has some more on the story and some background on Walker's debt to the Koch Brothers.

One of the points by "Fake David Koch" was to get Walker to agree to infiltrating the union protesters with violent plants to cause trouble. Walker, who already thought of this and for the moment rejected it, demurs.

That said, Tea Baggers are already doing this<'/a>.

In Georgia, Tea Bagging Traitors are planning to bring guns to a SEIU solidarity rally. Yeah, it isn't enough to want to take your rights, conservatives want to start a gun battle.

Guess I was never wrong calling them Talibangelicals, was I?

In Indiana, a Deputy Attorney General there wants to use live ammunition on the protesters.

Such "compassionate" conservatives these are.

But let's be honest here. These folks would NOT be in power if voters would pay attention to what they are voting for, and the programs the cretins running are to pass.