Limbaugh: 'Who bought (Fluke) condoms in sixth grade?' | Jay Bookman

Lush Rimjob is beyond odious.

Thing is, he always has been. Guy is a drug-addled sex fiend and a hypocrite in oh, so many ways.

Yet people listen to him. Religiously. This most recent incident should damn the whole lot of them. No, really.

If you read his statements attacking Ms. Fluke, his recommendation - and this isn't much of a stretch at all - is that if you get birth control in the 6th grade and have sex, he wants to see a sex tape of that put up on YouTube or something.

No, seriously, go back to that link or to anywhere else you can find his comments. He didn't clarify it. He didn't set conditions.

The guy wants sex tapes for the contraceptives he supposedly is paying for, and apparently there's no age limit, as if that would make it any better. That is odious, even for one of his ilk.