This Week In Random Conservative Intolerance

Today is the day Andrew Breitbart finds out how hot Hell is and Lush Rimjob may have gone too far by asking for sex tapes of 12 year old girls in return for paying for their contraception. Who knows? He'll likely get away with it but you gotta hope.

Meanwhile, other conservatives are lining up to be scumbags. In Virginia, a church has kicked out the Girl Scouts from meeting in their church to protest the parent organization's support of Planned Parenthood, which, you would think, would be something you want an organization training young women to at least be aware of.

The same folks who, in Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah (and who knows where else) sit quietly by and let FLDS members impregnate their 14 year old "wives" have a problem with an organization that provides cheap access to health care to women.

Next door, in Maryland, a priest walked out of a funeral he was presiding over rather than give communion to the deceased's gay daughter.

Don't even catch me hearing anyone talking about their pious "love the sinner, hate the sin" BS. Even if you believe being gay is a sin, for the sake of argument let's put it aside just this instance, walking out of a funeral sure the hell isn't that.

And Santorum wants to vomit because we have separation of church and state. It isn't enough gay couples can't get married in most of this nation. Now we apparently don't want to bury their parents properly.

I still have fewer and fewer arguments for wanting to attempt going back into a church any time soon.

As for conservatives adhering to a strict Constitutional interpretation, he's an example worth paying attention to. Some clown in Alaska is filing a case saying Barack Obama is ineligible to be President because, well, he's a mulatto.

Now remember, these folks don't recognize any amendments, so women can't vote, African-Americans were never freed from slavery (incidentally, Obama wouldn't have fallen into this category as his father came from Kenya and not a South Carolina plantation, but whatever), and, oh yeah, this stance would nullify their Second Amendment. Their interpretation and the genuine article as most sane folks understand it.

Oh, and the South is, sadly, still the South.