What the hell?

Apparently this country likes fear and loathing. Aside from apparently electing Bush (barring Ohio's votes of course), the Senate now has Republican women sterilizers, gay bashers, people who don't want unmarried pregnant women as teachers, and other miscreants. The cheaters in the House from Texas have increased their hold of that house of Congress. Welcome to a new world of hate and fear. I'm just so utterly disgusted and sincerely hope none of you who voted for these guys live to regret it. I'm going to take a few days to collect my thoughts and hope the Democratic party can get it's act together and present a coherent platform for the near future.

It's a sad day when I have to hear my own mother browbeaten by my sister and bludgeoned by her church to say "Thank you" to George Bush for putting her youngest child in Iraq based on lies, equipped with bad weapons and not enough military comrades on the ground with him. She was basically jingo'ed into a) voting against Kerry and b) some weird logic that voting for Bush was a curse against him. It really pisses me off as she feels like she shouldn't have voted at all. In her words, "I think I did a bad thing." Shame on all of you for scaring my mother into voting for a liar and deceptor who waves a hateful flag of a distorted form of Christianity. Seriously, I give you a moment to run and vomit the bile that consumes you.

Case in point. An email from Worldview Weekend, a group on the far right of the far right. Their latest email is quite frightening:

I believe anyone that does not vote on Tuesday is sinning and anyone that votes for Kerry is committing an even greater sin! We not only need President Bush but we need members of the U.S. House and Senate that will support those he will appoint to the federal bench and the U.S. Supreme Court.

This election is a worldview battle, a battle between good and evil....it is a spiritual battle. This is it folks.....if Kerry wins and he appoints Judges to the U.S. Supreme Court; America is lost.

If you do not vote on Tuesday and Kerry wins, don't complain about the increase in persecution that will surely follow. If you think we are not already experiencing persecution in America to some degree by the humanistic liberals and ACLU judges, then read the book by David Limbaugh entitled, Persecution. What will occur under the judges Kerry appoints and a Kerry Administration will be unimaginable.

So...voting for Kerry is a sin? I don't think so. I voted against Bush, who is backed by racists, women haters and sterilizers, smug military hawks who never served a day in combat, destroyers of God's earth, liars and secretive destroyers of the Constitution. I will, on any day, choose freedom over hate, and that's all the GOP is selling. Hate and fear.

Once again, just a total sense of disgust.