Early morning jitters

I see a lot of hope amongst those I speak to. I spent the day in a car full of Republicans who either voted for Kerry or not at all. Why? They can't trust Bush with our nation's future. That, and they fear another four years of his rule will threaten the rights of women and non-Christians. All valid points. So they are hoping for a better tomorrow, one with Bush permanently back at the ranch.

Results from the GlobalVote project. Quick results: Kerry 77.1%, Bush 9.0%. If only....

EvilNed chimes in with one last political link (offensive language warning) that you should probably read. Links to the quoted Eminem video and lyrics which I think that, regardless of your outlook on rap music, you should take a look at.

Latinos polling very, very high for Kerry, proving that mangling Spanish and English is a bad strategy. Kerry might also mean cheaper oil prices (sweet irony there). 100 facts and 1 opinion not to vote for Bush. Republicans see voter fraud everywhere, usually because they are actively behind it. Problems reported in Florida, Michigan and Ohio (no links for all, just flipping through the news for the most part) as the GOP fights against the momentum of those fed up with their crap. While FOXNews attempts to slander Kerry some more, a report on Republicans who rightfully fear Bush. And one last story concerning how the administration sent our troops to Iraq ill-prepared and ill-supplied.

Go vote.