Let's call him Mr. ED

Well, Hillbilly Heroin abuser and bigoted class-, race-, gender-, and all around hate-monger Rush Limbaugh apparently can't get it up either. He got busted earlier this week with a bottle of Viagra that was prescribed in his doctor's name. Now, some of you are going to say that I shouldn't make fun of a guy in his 50's having erectile dysfunction. And you would be right, kind of. It's not that a hypocritical, smug, asinine drug abuser being caught hiding a possible genuine ED issue isn't funny in its own right. It is really that he is so insecure about the whole thing that he's been having his doctor cover up said medical problem.

Seriously, who gave this doctor a license to practice medicine?

I hate even giving that wench Ann Coulter a mention here, but once again I do so in the interests of asking everyone to kindly ignore the moron from here on out. Granted, I've been out of the loop for awhile so let's hit a couple of her more notable screw ups are calling the widows of 9/11 victims "witches" amongst other things (their justifiably indignant response here), not to mention calling for the "ffragging" Rep. John Murtha for being against the war in Iraq. Considering she's already called for the poisoning of a Supreme Court Justice, can't we just lock this lunatic up so we don't ever have to hear from her EVER again?

Ted Stevens, Luddite leftover from the past, explains the Internet, in only ways he and his ilk can. This is exactly why you can't trust Republicans with technology.

And then there's Bush himself. Congress is - finally - justifiably miffed that Bush signs laws they pass, and then promptly ignores them. Of course, every once in a blue moon our democracy actually does it's job, like this week when the Supreme Court said Bush actually can't just hold people in prison solely because he says so. No, he needs to obey the rule of law; unfortunately that law will be set by the racist, homophobic, xenophobic, psuedo-Christian, pseudo-American GOP majority in Congress.

Remember all that to-do about a company in Dubai being in charge of most of our major ports? Well, they still ARE because nobody has bought them out. And apparently, Congress has bent over and decided not to make them sell. The only deal being made here is the one that involves the American people getting screwed by our own government.

Tony Snow, the FOXNews ambassador to the United States and Bush's new talking head, isn't worried that over 2,500 troops have died in his boss' failed war. "It's a number," he says. Seriously people, how much of this crap are you willing to take from these idiots?