The Republican front runner for president so far is either Guiliani (don't get me started!) or Mitt Romney.
Besides sounding like a piece of baseball equipment, I really can't help feeling confused as to why they would pick this guy. Stacy spent some time a few weeks ago trying to explain his appeal and all I came away with was the idea that this guy was Bill Clinton without the unfaithfulness and lot of bigotry.
Weird example number one: this guy calls Pat Robertson a force that strengthens and nurtures our country? Really? Hate and bigotry improve America? News to me.
Bizarro world example two: when asked what his favorite book is (after the Bible of course), Romney responded with Battlefield Earth. Look, I read a lot of sci-fi and there is no way that book qualifies as great sci-fi. And the movie was pure drek. And the links to Scientology that can be made? Seriously, the joke is too easy.
So, between pandering to hatemongers and Scientologists, I really have to question whether the GOP has gone insane.
Then again, their alternative is Mr. "Immigration Will Destroy Western Civilization" Tancredo.
More random Republican idiocies such as additional stuff on Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" song.
Also, our government accepted only $40 million of $854 million offered by foreign nations to help the Katrina recovery. The world offers to help us despite all the ill we've done under Bush and he doesn't even accept their goodwill.
More on the hunt for a war czar.
YouTube footage of a blundering Border Patrol incident in Arizona.
News from the police state as the LAPD goes wild at an immigration rally.
Bush and the internets redux. Incidentally, he's the Commander Guy now.
Some prominent historical GOP families are thinking of leaving. Praise Bush!